
Location of Badrinath: - Located in the Trans Himalayan region surrounded by high snowcapped mountains is the holy town of Badrinath, this town is situated in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand state. Badrinath is part of the chota Char dham (Four religious pilgrimages) yatra of the uttarakhand the other there being Kedarnath, Yamnotri and Gangotri. The Badrinath dham is around 300 kms from the town of Rishikesh.

Best time to visit Badrinath: - Badrinath lies at a very high altitude of above 3000 meters, in winters this area experiences a very high snowfall which makes life at a standstill. The temple usually opens in the third week of May and the devotees keep pouring till October when the temple closes for the winter.

History of Badrinath Temple: - This very revered temple of the Hindu religion was constructed by Adi Shankaracharya in the ninth century, though the old texts do have the description about the deity. The temple is related to Badri Vishal an incarnation of Lord Vishnu who meditated at this place on the banks of river Alaknanda. It is said as lord Badri vishal was engrossed is deep meditation, laxmi the consort of lord Vishnu shaded lord Badri Vishal from the sun. The other story is of Nar and Narayan. The temple was built by a Parmara ruler and it displays vibrant colors on the façade. This temple was completely devastated in an earthquake in the nineteenth century. It was rebuilt with the help of the Hindu royal families.

What to see in Badrinath

1. – The Badrinath temple is the centre of attraction in the Badrinath city, this temple situated on the banks of river Alaknanda has the effigies of Lord Badri, the outer façade resembles a Buddhist Vihara. In the peak season time there is a spiraling queue of devotees and its common to wait few hours for seeking entry in to the temple. The main priest of the temple even today comes from the south Indian state of Kerala, He is aided by the local priests.

2. - The hot water springs (Tapta Kund) just underneath the steps to the temple are the hot water geysers very well known for their therapeutic qualities. Devotees do take a dip in these hot water ponds before going for Darshan in the Badrinath Temple.

3. - Last Indian Village Mana- very near around 3 Kms from the Badrinath town is the village Mana surrounded by astounding high rising peaks, the mana village presents panoramic never to be forgotten view to the visitors. This village is also known to be the last Indian village though Indo-China border is around 50 kms from the Mana village. Pandavas from the epic Mahabharata are known to have crossed across the village of Mana while they were moving over to the heaven. Even the ubiquitous tea stalls have this key line “India’s last tea stall” written sure you will enjoy the sightseeing of Mana village.

4. Vasudhara Falls - This is a small trek starting from the famed Mana village through the village alleys on to the steep ascent of 6 kms on foot. The falls are a real beauty which sure you will enjoy.

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