Pangong Lake

Pangong Tso

How many days you require for a tour to the Pangong lake?

Pangong lake is an ideal day tour from the city of Leh as you can reach Pangong starting from leh in around 4-5 hours spending good time at the lake you can sure reach back to Leh city in time,If you are interested in spending more time at Pangong lake then you can book a tent or a homestay ,night stay at Pangong offers a myriad when you can sight the Milky way clearly.

What are the accommodation options at Pangong?

The Pangong offers tent options and some local homestays which can keep you safe and warm as even in summers its quite cold at Pangong.They use a local stove called “Bukhaari” to keep warm.These tents only are available during the summer months, in winters only few homestays may be available and its not advisable to stay at Pangong during the winter time when it can reach -30 degree Celsius.

What are the fooding options at Pangong?

There are no working restaurants at Pangong the only availability is at the homestay or the tent where you are staying as normally the stay includes all the meals,If you are doing a same day tour from Leh then remember to pack your food .

Are ATM available at Pangong?

There are no working ATM at Pangong, do carry the cash you require from Leh itself.

  • Is Pangong a fresh water lake?
  • No the Pangong is a salt water lake still it freezes in winter as the temperature drops abnormally low, because of brackish water the Pangong lake has no life there are no fish or other organism surviving in the waters of Pangong.

  • Are medical facilities available at Pangong?
  • No there are no medical facilities available at the Pangong lake, The nearest habitation is around 100 kilometers.

  • How to reach Pangong?
  • You can only reach Pangong by road ,From Leh there are two possible routes of reaching Pangong one is through the Chang-La pass and the other is through the Nubra valley.The Chang-la pass route takes lesser time to reach Pangong and is used by the day travelers to Pangong.

  • Do you require a pass to access Pangong?
  • Yes you require a pass for visiting Pangong which is a border area and an area of high vigil.Do remember to plan before hand when you go to Pangong as it is not easy to change the permit.

  • Best Time to visit Pangong?
  • The best time to visit Pangong starts from May and lasts till September. The snow on the high mountains starts melting during later summer months resulting in large water passes to reach Pangong. Winter is awfully cold at Pangong and the lake completely freezes with no possibility of tourism.

    While traveling to Pangong Lake, it is important to keep in mind that the air is incredibly thin and therefore causes altitude sickness. This condition causes a decrease in oxygen in the body and leads to various symptoms, ranging from a mild headache to fatigue to a buildup of fluid in the lungs. In order to avoid this potentially dangerous illness, it's important to acclimate before visiting the lake.

    The LAC is an area of dispute between India and China, with unresolved borders and different perceptions of the lake. Its location on the Sino-Indian border is a major factor in the disputed nature of the region. Although the lake has a contested nature, it is also beautiful and is a must-see destination. While it's a beautiful area, it's also a source of tension between the countries.

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