Sariska Tiger Reserve

Sariska Tiger Reserve

Location of Sariska Tiger Reserve : - Sariska tiger reserve lies in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, this reserve falls on the Alwar- Jaipur road, it is around 100 kms from Jaipur and 200 kms from Delhi, The road connectivity is fine and a day trip from Jaipur and Delhi is very much possible, the nearest airport is Jaipur while Delhi airport is also not very far.

Best time to visit Sariska: - The tiger reserve remains closed during the monsoon time as not only it can be dangerous to trace the animals during the monsoons as the foliage is extensive and the animals reproduce and mate during the monsoon times which can result is violent behavior of the animals so all reserves and protected forests in India are closed for tourists activities during the monsoon time from July to 30 September every year.

Summer sure is best time to trace and track the tigers as not only the foliage is less but the animals venture out in search of water making their visibility more pronounced. The safari are best done in summers in early morning or late afternoon as the day is usually burning hot, the day temperature can reach to around 45-47 degree Celsius in Sariska and no animal ventures in this heat.

Winters are also a good time to sight the tigers as day temperature is very soothing the animals too bask in sun during the day time thus increasing the chance of better sightseeing. The winters start in October and last till the month of March.

Entrance of Sariska Tiger Reserve : - There is an entrance fees levied in entering the park further only the vehicles of the reserve forest can be used for sighting so tourists have to hire the vehicle services and services of a naturalist.

Entry fee for Indian National - 75 INR per person

Entry fee for foreign naturalist- 500 INR per person

Camera Fee for Video - 600 INR

Vehicles Charges:-

Gypsy----------------- 2100 INR (can seat up to 6)

Canter---------------- 5000 INR (Can seat 20 people)

Naturalist------------ 300 INR for every trip

The Sariska Tiger reserve a declared protected forest it was declared a national park in 1982. In year 2003 the park had 14 counted heads of the Bengal Tiger. But in 2004 it was noted that infect the park had no tigers probably have strayed and will soon be back but by year 2004 it was clear that Sariska had no tigers left. So a relocation plan was chalked out and ina phased manner tigers and tigress were relocated to Sariska from other tiger reserves of India now in 2020 the tiger population in Sariska is reported to be around 20 which is sure a very healthy count. In this area Sariska sure holds very good prospects for the project tiger as the area is huge and the reserve can sustain a much bigger tiger population.

Sariska was once the hunting area of the Alwar royals they even built a palace at Sariska known as Sariska Palace. The hurts were organized for the royals and the British officers, these wide spread hunting sorties resulted in the Bengal tiger reaching almost to the level of extinction, this is when the government of India put an end to the hunting and declared these species as protected.

Sariska Game Timings : –

The game timings at Sariska depends on the prevalent weather in the peak winter season the night falls early so accordingly at 4 pm day is called off while the sun rises late in winters. In summer the sunrise is early and the day remains till late may be 7 pm in the evening.

Month ----- Morning Hours ----- Evening Hours

November 1st to January 31st ----- 7:00 am to 10:30 am ----- 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm

February 1st to March 31st ----- 6:30 am to 10:00 am ----- 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm

April 1st to May 15th ----- 6:00 am to 9:30 am ----- 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm

May 16th to June 30th ----- 6:00 am to 9:30 am ----- 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm

October 1 st to October 31st ----- 6:30 am to 10:00 am ----- 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm

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