

Kaza is a sub divisional headquarters in the area of lahaul and spiti in the himachal Pradesh. Kaza has a very unique climate it is infact a cold desert with severe cold condition of minus 25 degree Celsius in the December- January month, even in summers rarely the temperatures crosses 10 degree Celsius. There are two roads to approach kaza one is from Mandi crossing over the Atal tunnel and then going across the high Kunzum pass which remains closed in winters during winters only the road via Rekongpeo and Rampur is open.

The people of Kaza are having close affinity with the Tibet and ladakh region they are Buddhist by religion and their life style and festivals are closely related with Tibet infact once this area was ruled by the Tibetan kings. The road from Kunzum pass to kaza is bereft of all vegetation, the mountains with low Spiti river flowing displays a myriad of colours posing a spectacle not to be seen elsewhere in India. The area is heaven for the adventure seekers you can camp alongside the crystal clear waters of spiti river, gazing under the bright night skies of lahaul & spiti. Its an experience to gaze at the milky way and the various constellations so bright at Kaza.

Where to stay in Kaza - Kaza is a small town with a not very high population most of the inhabitants migrate to lower areas during the cold winter months. This area does not have very good hotel chains the only accommodation available in the area are small home stays managed by the locals, living in these home stays you get to know the local culture in details even the local food can be better experienced living in these home stays.

What to do in Kaza - The best thing to experience at Kaza is the natural environment of spiti, the colorful mountains, trails, of pin- parvati, Pin-Bhaba, Paray la which start from Kaza are a very good adventure activity.

Buddhist Monasteries - Kaza has a very rich heritage of Buddhist monasteries you can visit these monasteries and get more knowledge about the Tibetan buddhism, how the monks lead their life, you can pray at one of them, rotate the prayer wheels, It is believed that rotating prayer wheels deliver and transfer the prayers to the air which gets purified with mantras. Sakya Tnagyd monastery at a distance of 14 kms from kaza, Dhankar monastery at a distance of 40 kms from kaza, Dromton monastery which is believed to be the second oldest monastery in the world.

1. Enjoy the festivals like Fagli and Gochi, fairs like ladarcha fair, pawri fair etc.

2. Enjoy a ride to the highest post office at Hikkim village; you can post a letter/post card from this post office as a souvenir.

3. The Tangyud Gompa resembles a fortress at a high elevation, this Gompa overlooks the city of Kaza, hear amazing tales about this old Gompa from bygone era.

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